Nobody Is A Burden

For centuries people have claimed that marginalized people, especially disabled people, people of color, and LGBTQ people are a burden to society, often to justify their eugenic agendas.

They are wrong.

People are not disposable. You cannot just get rid of them if you don’t like them. They are living human beings.

In both the U.S. and Canadian history Black and Indigenous people have either been forcibly sterilized or sterilized without their knowledge to keep any more Black and Indigenous babies from being born.

Even today disabled people are being sterilized so they will not produce any disabled babies.

Sterilization for the purpose of keeping a certain group from reproducing is a form of eugenics, and it is inhumane and unethical.

Throughout history disabled people have been thrown in institutions because they were seen as “burdens”, and a lot of times this still happens today.

LGBTQ people have also been institutionalized because they were seen as “mentally ill”, which goes back to the justification of institutionalizing disabled people as being “sick” and “burdens”.

Many, if not all institutions have a history of physically, emotionally and sexually abusing patients. The abuse often takes place because the people in charge of caring for their patients feel that they can do whatever they want to them and get away with it because they do not see the full humanity in the patient.

This is why institutions need to be shut down; the victims of abuse in these institutions need reparations; and former patients in these institutions need to have assistance with being integrated in their communities.

Nobody is a burden. Not disabled people. Not people of color. Not Jewish people. Not LGBTQ people. Nobody.